Write a java program which stores the list of strings in an ArrayList and then displays the contents of the list.
Design a Java console application for implement string operations – Search a string in a list, and Display all the strings that begin with a given letter using ArrayList in java
Design a Java console application program for implement string operations – Append and Insert the value at particular Index using ArrayList in Java
Write a program to perform string operations using Array List. Write functions for the following
Append – add at end
Insert – add at particular index
List all string starts with given letter
Write a java program to convert String array to ArrayList
Write a java program to convert ArrayList to String array
Write a Java program to perform the following task.
Take an integer array of size 20, initialize values randomly between 10 and 90, simultaneously sum all values and calculate average.
Now separate values below average and above average in ArrayLists.
Finally print both lists in 2 separate rows.