Read a string
Check for empty string
Display string length
Display reverse of a string
Character at a given position
Index of a substring in a string
Join a list of strings
Copy first n characters
Copy last n character
Split a string based on the spaces / delimiter
Copy n characters from mth position
Convert all characters to uppercase
Convert all characters to lower case
Replace a character
Delete a character
Count number of vowels
Convert string to character array and vice versa
Read a String and display the ASCII value of each character in string
Read a string and a character and display the first and last occurrence of character in string.
Check if given character is upper case / lower case / digit / special character
Count number of upper, lower, digit and special character
Read a string and classify characters as upper case / lower case / digit / special character.
Read a string and display total number of upper case / lower case / digit / special characters in it
Sort an array of strings
Read a string and sort the words alphabetically
Write a Java Program that reads a line of integers, and then displays each integer, and the sum of all the integers (use StringTokenizer class)
Read an array of strings and display the sets of anagrams.
Write a Java program for sorting a given list of names in ascending order
Write a program to check if a given string is a palindrome or not.
Write a program to count and display the number of capital letters in a given string.
Write a program to count the number of vowels in a string.
Write a program to display the number of times each vowel occurs in a string. (ignore case)
Write a program to remove all punctuations and special characters (~!@#$%^&*()_{}[]\:”;’<>?,./) in a given string.
Write a java program that reads a string from inputs containing first name, last name and computes an e-mail address with first 3 letters of the first name, first 4 letters of last name, ‘.’ separator and domain. Display the outputs by invoking objects.
Write a program to accept a string and display the resultant string in a reverse order. The resultant string should contain all characters at the even position of accepted string ignoring blank spaces.
Given string: An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Required output: ywrtoetpeydepaA
Given a string containing both upper and lower case letters, write a python program to count the number of repeated characters and display the maximum count of a character along with the character
Sample input: ABaBCbGc
B is repeated 3 times
Consider 2 strings string1 and string2 and display the merged_string as output. The merged_string should be capital letters from both the strings in the order they appear.